Advent doesn't officially start until Sunday but the long kickoff weekend is upon us. It began this morning as Santa showed up in Herald Square to bring the Thanksgiving Day parade to an end. Following that, many will watch football and then dig into a big feast. Then comes the holiday music and the lights, setting up the tree and the whole routine.
It's all joyful and fun and good things in their place and their context.
All of that pales in comparison to the true depth and meaning of this season. It is a penitential season. It is a season of preparation and solemn reflection.
Advent is two-fold. Yes, it points to Christmas which arrives on December 25th. However, it also points to the next arrival of Jesus which will happen at the end of days. Welcoming the savior here is just the precursor to the blessed hope that He will one day welcome us, there.
At the very core of that is Thanksgiving.
We thank Him for the blessings and we thank Him for the crosses. We thank Him for the graces and we thank Him for His church, through which we receive them.
Even the word Eucharist mean 'to give thanks'.
Today, I thank God for His steady hand taking me through some of the darkest times in my life. I thank Him for the blessings and graces that have held me up. I thank Him for the blessed hope that everything is going to be ok.
I thank Him for waking me up this morning and bringing air to my lungs and activity to my brain.
Most of all, I thank Him- my sweet Lord- for suffering and dying for me and for the world.
Thank you, Lord.
I can't wait for 2025, if it be your will that I get there.