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My Reflection Acronym and Prayer for the First Week of Advent The theme for the first week of Advent is Hope. As we light the Prophets' Candle of Hope on the First Sunday of Advent, let us be reminded of the twofold coming of the Savior: His second coming and His coming into our hearts every moment of our lives.

To reflect on the readings and better understand His message for us, let us use the acronym HOPE: H - Heals O - Opens P - Prays E - Expresses His mercy and compassion Jesus' healing of the centurion’s servant gives us hope that we, too, can experience healing, as long as we have great trust and faith in the Lord. Jesus opened the eyes of the two blind men because He had pity on them. Jesus praised the Father and prayed for all of us. He reminded His apostles of the qualities of true discipleship and taught them that not everyone who says, “Lord, Lord,” will be saved.

Finally, He expressed His mercy and compassion to the people who followed Him and stayed with Him for three days by providing them with food to satisfy both their physical and spiritual hunger. Jesus' love for the people of His time is the same as His love for all of us today. Let us trust Him with all our hearts and vigilantly wait for His coming every day in our hearts.

Let us pray:

Come, Lord Jesus. Open our hearts to see You and give us the grace to remain hopeful amid the challenges in our lives. Amen.

Gospel Readings: Matthew 8:5-11 Luke 10:21-24 Matthew 15:29-37 Matthew 7:21, 24-27 Matthew 9:27-31 @AcronymLady @LADY Loving Advocate of Divine Yearning


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