There is an old limerick that says something along the lines of the best way to make God laugh being us telling Him our plans. I can assure you that there aren't many people I know who would say that life has turned out much like they expected.
I know many people who have experienced trials, traumas and tragedies far beyond anything they expected or thought they could endure. I, myself, am a member of that fraternity.
Even though the words of scripture clearly warn us that we will face trials, tumults and persecutions and be hated and reviled, we still hold on to the belief that if we just love God enough, the world will love us too and everything will turn into sunshine and daisies.
Again, I am one of the guilty ones.
I have had two main goals with this apostolate that are at variance with the world and, frankly, the majority of Christian / Catholic sites and platforms.
To profess Catholicism from the street level. What it really looks like to the least of us.
To profess the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
This really shouldn't be an unusual approach, but it is.
Most are too interested in stroking their own egos to bother loving thy neighbor.
We are trying to change that. We desire to change the world one post at a time.
Now that I'm no longer working 55 hours a week and spending another 15 in traffic, I am getting the rest I need, the spiritual recharging and the time and focus to start really steering this apostolate the way I want it to go.
That is, if God wills to keep blessing it and me,
That being said, this is what is fleshing out so far.
Obviously, prayer and Catholic edification and outreach is a foundation of what we do and the daily Divine Mercy, saint of the day and daily update with Richard Pettys will remain in place on this platform with other programs to be added from time to time. Richard's show will move to 2:00 PM eastern, M-F but will remain at 3 on Saturdays and Sundays.
This will be a combination of live and prerecorded specials and other stuff. Our 22-part series on the Book of Revelation is up as one example.
The only regular programs that are scheduled thus far are as follows.
Saturdays, William Hemsworth will have The burnt toast and coffee show and the Catholicism Rocks show. On Sunday mornings, Cherry Mallorca and I will simulcast Companions on the journey.
The regulars will be Ken Litchfield's Katholic Ken apologetics show (7:00 AM Eastern on Fridays), Terry Delp's Taking it to the streets (6:30 PM Thursdays), Cherry and I on Companions on the journey (9:00 AM Sundays) and Lisa Marie Nicole's critically acclaimed Rockin' for God show (See Lisa's page for scheduling)
Gerald Hunt and Luis Ogando will also be adding a Thursday evening apologetics show which will follow Terry's. (7:30 PM Thursdays)
We plan on doing a ton of special programs on this platform
Finally, there will be daily articles and engagement on the blog, the facebook group and Twitter/X.
A big theme this year will be the places, themes and persons leading up to the big trip in September to Israel, Portugal, Spain and France.
Let's go!