Most of the thousands of people who interact with us do so on our Facebook group, Twitter or Youtube but we get the occasional email question or comment too. This one was good enough to respond to publicly.
Hey, I wanted to hear your thoughts about recent news from the Dicastery for the doctrine of the faith to schedule a press conference about Medjugorje called "spiritual experience" in Medjugorje. What can it be about and can it be any good? Honestly, with recent decisions in the last years about Medjugorje, I can image it receiving a nihil obstat, but for me it just doesnt make any sense. I dont see how they can explain so many contradictions to make it believable. How is it possible that a church, which is guided by the Holy Spirit, can let something like this happen? Or is it just one of those times where church gets something wrong but it gets adjusted later? Idk what to think about it but I will be really disappointed if it is nihil obstat for something ridiculous as Medjugorje... Sorry to bother you, but I just wanted to hear some thoughts from you. Thanks.
First, let me thank you for your question and for your support of our growing apostolate which is currently the undisputed #1 Catholic program on Blogtalk radio.
Rejoice, brother. The day of reckoning for the Medjugorje fraudsters has arrived. On Thursday, the Vatican will tell everyone that they are happy about conversions and positive spiritual experiences before affirming the decisions of all the Bishops of Jurisdiction that Mary has never appeared in Medjugorje.
The true Catholics will come back home, the heretics will simply invent another justification for their disobedience. Thank you for your question!
John Benko