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  • Lisa Marie Nicole hurricane benefit concert

    Catch it live on the only Catholic show on Blogtalkradio! Lisa Marie Nicole- Hurricane benefit concert 10/20 by The 4 Persons Inc | Christianity ( ) Donations may be made here

  • Reporting the plain truth has T4P traffic skyrocketing

    On the blog, our site sessions are up 98%. Unique visitors are up 160%. Referrals from our website are up 200%. Referrals from Facebook are up over 600% On Twitter, we have had almost 19,000 hits in the last 4 weeks. We have added 80 new followers in the last 4 weeks to bring our total to nearly 800. On Facebook, we are well over 1200 members with a 300% increase in reactions over the last month. By any measure, we are growing by leaps and bounds. Why? Our agenda is simple: The truth The Whole truth Nothing but the truth We have no allegiance to any politician or party but only to the one true, holy, apostolic Catholic faith. We are not going to run interference for any politician. We will call Kamala Harris out for her radical support of abortion, IVF, child mutilation and the LBGTQ agenda as well as her rampant socialism, support of terrorists domestic and foreign and her lack of respect for our borders. By the same token, we will call Trump out for his radical support of abortion, IVF, child mutilation and the LBGTQ agenda as well as his sickening blanket support for Israel and the gun worshippers at the NRA. If this offends anyone, we don't care. Get over it. People are on board with us. They are tired of being lied to by the Kamalacrats and the Trump worshippers.


    THE BOOK OF REVELATION PROJECT Each show has the corresponding blog post attached in the show notes. THE BOOK OF REVELATION PART I THE BOOK OF REVELATION PART II THE BOOK OF REVELATION PART III THE BOOK OF REVELATION PART IV THE BOOK OF REVELATION PART V THE BOOK OF REVELATION PART VI THE BOOK OF REVELATION PART VII THE BOOK OF REVELATION PART VIII THE BOOK OF REVELATION PART IX THE BOOK OF REVELATION PART X THE BOOK OF REVELATION PART XI THE BOOK OF REVELATION PART XII THE BOOK OF REVELATION PART XIII THE BOOK OF REVELATION PART XIV THE BOOK OF REVELATION PART XV THE BOOK OF REVELATION PART XVI THE BOOK OF REVELATION PART XVII THE BOOK OF REVELATION PART XVIII THE BOOK OF REVELATION PART XIX THE BOOK OF REVELATION PART XX THE BOOK OF REVELATION PART XXI THE BOOK OF REVELATION PART XXII THE GOSPEL OF MATTHEW SERIES (LUKE HASKELL) KEN LITCHFIELD SACRAMENT SERIES HOLY ORDERS MARRIAGE CONFIRMATION EUCHARIST RECONCILIATION OVERVIEW Blogtalk radio shows of note Dustin Quick (April 2023) Uncounseling- Dr. Fred Boley (May 2023)-- #1 show, biggest show to date. Medjugorje fraud double header (Top 10 show from May 2023) Father Paul Houlis (June 2023) The Four senses of scripture with Suan Sonna (6/23) Kevin Symonds, translator of Ruini report ( July 2023) David Ross of the CVS podcast (July 2023) Author Avelina Ballestri (July 2023) James Griffin (August 2023) The sickening plague of school shootings (August 2023) Amy Thomas (The Catholic pilgrim)- (August 2023) Karl Keating (September 2023) Maria Bains of JMJ Press (September 2023) Guest Gary Michuta (October 2023) Mike Aquilina (November 2023) E-Knock (November 2023) Dr. Scott Hahn (November 2023) John Martignoni (November 2023) Donna Cori Gibson (November 2023) The Benko Debates over the years vs Brian Ketterer on the Queen of Heaven The whore of babylon debate Eucharist debate vs John Pistes Sola Scriptura vs Alex Carrow Sola Scriptura vs Brenda Johnson Peter as the rock vs George Lujack Alleged idolatry vs George Lujack Papal Infallibility vs George Lujack Did Mary have other children? vs George Lujack Sola Scriptura vs George Lujack Sabbath Day vs George Lujack The Trinity vs George Lujack Sola Scriptura vs Troy Goldsmith Sola Fide vs Troy Goldsmith Purgatory vs Dale McAlpine

  • Kamala's interview with Brett Baier was likely the nail in the coffin for her

    It was easy to see what her strategy was. Evade, filibuster, run out the clock. It was not a good look. Brett was calm and professional and measured in his approach, but he was also tenacious in coming back to the tough questions she didn't want to answer. She expressed sorrow at the deaths of the women killed by illegals. Sorrow....but not any accountability. This interview could not have gone worse for her. She may actually be a worse candidate than Biden. If Trump wins- and it looks like he just may- people will look back in wonder because Trump actually ran a very poor campaign this year and largely alienated his own base. Nevertheless, he ran against 2 people far more inept. It almost looks like the GOP could have won with a ham sandwich. We will see on Nov 5

  • Trump on board with child mutilation agenda

    Every time you think Donald Trump's sick lurch to the left cannot get any worse, he does something else to embrace the sick agenda of the secular liberals. Trump has now come out in favor of child sex multilation as long as it has parental consent. Ron Desantis is on the record in opposition to all of these Frankenstein surgeries. Republicans deserve a nominee that is more than a 1% improvement over Biden/Harris.


    Just who is the Harlot of Babylon? Chapter 17 :1 And there came one of the seven angels, who had the seven vials, and spoke with me, saying: Come, I will shew thee the condemnation of the great harlot, who sitteth upon many waters, 2 With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication; and they who inhabit the earth, have been made drunk with the whine of her whoredom. The first thing to note is that John is not just told by the Angel that he is simply about to show him the great harlot but that he will show him the condemnation  of the great harlot. The Greek word is Krima  and indicates a sentence that has already  been handed down. The harlot has already been found guilty and John is present, not for the crimes, not even for the trial, but for the sentence . The harlot is being sentenced in 68 AD (I will demonstrate that that is when this is written). This is the first proof that John's vision refers to an entity that existed in 68 AD when his vision occurred, and said entity had committed crimes before then . The first premise of anti-catholic interpretation of these chapters is that this vision refers to something in the distant future, long beyond John's years. As you will see, that is a man-made construct that runs directly counter  to the text. Verse 1 says the harlot sits on the many waters (peoples, nations et v15) It is a combination of the Greek word Kathemi- meaning to sit and a modifier that specifically denotes present tense . Present tense, folks . 68 AD . Verse 2 says The Kings of the earth have had intercourse. Have had intercourse. This is from the Greek word porneue and a modifier indicating active tense . These things are occurring even as John sees the vision in 68 AD. Anti-catholics who say the harlot is the Catholic church, literally must explain why John is using the wrong words here and this is actually a far-future event. The same is true with "they who inhabit the earth"  Present tense.  "Have been made drunk"  Active tense . That the whore, the kings and the inhabitants of the earth all existed in the 1st century is unarguable from the standpoint of the etymology  of the words. Since the whore represents the religious world having spiritual intercourse with the pagan world, the allusion of Jerusalem and Pagan Rome, respectively, is impossible to escape and there are just pages and pages of Scripture to support this. In   Isaiah Chapter 1 ,  the prophet heralds a warning that he specifies as pertaining to Jerusalem . In verse 21, He says: 21 How is the faithful city, that was full of judgment, become a harlot? justice dwelt in it, but now murderers. Jeremiah 3:6   6 And the Lord said to me in the days of king Josias: Hast thou seen what rebellious Israel hast done? she hath gone out of herself upon every high mountain, and under every green tree, and hath played the harlot there. There are many others I could cite but the point is clear. In God's Holy Word, Israel in general and Jerusalem were referred to as the harlot  too many times to count. We continue..... 3 And he took me away in spirit into the desert. And I saw a woman sitting upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns. 4 And the woman was clothed round about with purple and scarlet, and gilt with gold, and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand, full of the abomination and filthiness of her fornication. 5 And on her forehead a name was written: A mystery; Babylon the great, the mother of the fornications, and the abominations of the earth. First, we must address the beast because this is a typology that cannot be missed. In Revelation 12, we first see the Seven-headed, ten horned beast that wages war against the Child of God and His Mother. That beast is specifically identified as Satan. Here again, in chapter 17, we see the seven-headed, ten horned beast but as we will see, it is associated with "Kings of the earth". In other words, this beast is a Kingdom that the Whore (Jerusalem) was currently riding upon in a spiritual sense. Again, the woman is sitting- present  tense. This kingdom, by comparison, represents the very evil and malice of Satan himself as it is portrayed as the same dragon. This kingdom can be none other than pagan Rome. Detractors of the Catholic church like to seize on verse 4 and the golden cup- which they allude to the communion chalice, and the purple and scarlet- which they infer to be the official  colors of the Catholic church. Let me deal with the last point first. The official colors of the Catholic church are Gold and White. True, Priestly vestments have been Red and Purple but they have also been Gold, White, Black, Green, Rose and multiple other colors. This allusion is very tenuous at best. They have a slightly stronger argument in the inference of the golden cup but it is still only an inference. It doesn't hold up. You will notice that they often do not even mention the precious stones and pearls? Did they forget about those or just couldn't make the allusion fit? I'll tell you where you find all these things. In Exodus Chapter 25 in the materials for the Temple in Jerusalem. The Purple and Scarlet yarn is found in many verses- verse 4 for example. The precious stones appear in verse 7. Look it up folks! The golden cups are right there in verse 29 and gold is throughout the chapter. The only clue missing is the pearls which seem to refer to the woman's vanity and certainly cannot be ascribed to the Catholic church. So, some ascribe Gold, Golden cups, precious stones and Purple and Scarlet to the Catholic church by inference. The Bible, however, assigns these things- specifically  to Jerusalem and the Temple. Wouldn't it be strange for so-called Biblical Christians to dismiss proof that comes straight from the pages of Scripture? What about her name? Babylon? The term is used derisively, of course. It is not referring to the actual historical nation of Babylon. Our opponents obviously concede this point because they try to juxtapose it to Rome and, by consequence, the Catholic church that they posit as an offshoot of that Roman empire. That's where the anticatholic paradigm hits a brick wall. Foundational to their refutation of Peter as the first Pope is the blanket denial that Peter was ever in Rome. This contention on their part is historically untenable but it also presents them the Biblical problem. In Chapter 5 of his first epistle, Peter  says 13 The church that is in Babylon, elected together with you, saluteth you: and so doth my son Mark. This puts our anti-catholic friends in quite a pickle. They either have to admit that Babylon refers to Jerusalem (the elected church) or admit that Peter was in Rome. That's their only 2 options. However, since pagan Rome, having never been God's people, could thus not be guilty of spiritual adultery, the conclusion is inescapable. The Whore is Jerusalem, mother of all whores and abominations. Let us continue: 6 And I saw the woman drunk with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus. And I wondered, when I had seen her, with great admiration. This is another verse for anticatholics to latch on by inference. They will bring up the inquisitions and the crusades and all the killing done by crooked kings on all sides, multiply it by 10,000 and juxtapose it all on the woman as an indictment of the Catholic church. They are once again hoisted by their own petard and the plain etymology of the words, for they would clearly argue that the Catholic church did not even exist in 68 AD. That the greek term portrays the woman's drunken state as present tense- 68 AD is inescapable. They can infer that this points forward centuries but the greek verbiage doesn't support that. However, a similar verse that comes later, really slams the door on their arguments. For now, though they can argue that this verse can be applied to the Catholic church, there is no arguing that it can be applied to Jerusalem who had killed many Christians by this point, Stephen being just one. Let's continue. 7 And the angel said to me: Why dost thou wonder? I will tell thee the mystery of the woman, and of the beast which carrieth her, which hath the seven heads and ten horns. 8 The beast, which thou sawest, was, and is not, and shall come up out of the bottomless pit, and go into destruction: and the inhabitants on the earth (whose names are not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world) shall wonder, seeing the beast that was, and is not. 9 And here is the understanding that hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, upon which the woman sitteth, and they are seven kings: 10 Five are fallen, one is, and the other is not yet come: and when he is come, he must remain a short time. 11 And the beast which was, and is not: the same also is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into destruction. First, with respect to the Beast, John is again alluding it with the Devil. While He calls Jesus "He who was and is and is to come",  the devil is he who was and is not. This is the demonic character of the beast in general, again reflecting back to chapter 12. Later, you will see him draw the lens in closer by looking at the heads of the beast. Verse 9 is very important and the anti-catholics always get it wrong. I'm using an accurate translation that gets it right. The woman sits on 7 mountains (the Greek word Oros ) not on 7 hills (the Greek word Boonos ). This is not Rome. It certainly isn't the Vatican which sits on it's own, 8th hill on the other side of the Tiber river. For people of John's day, it would have been automatic for them to recognize the city on 7 mountains- Jerusalem. They are the Mount of Olives, Mount Scopus, Mount of Corruption, Mount Ophel, the Original Mount Zion, the New Mount Zion  and the Mount on which the Antonia Fortress was built. Once again, the harlot is proven to be Jerusalem. The Kings, on the other hand, belong to the beast, not the harlot. 5 have fallen, one is, one to come. The first 5 Roman emperors were Augustus, Tiberius, Caligula, Claudius  and Nero.  All 5 were dead by the end of 68 AD. Nero is the beast whose name adds up to 666, the number announced in chapter 13. The sixth king, who was emperor when this book was written was  Galba. The 7th was Otho.  This proves that John wrote this book in 68 AD during the reign of Galba and the "Fall of Babylon"  he was warning so urgently about was the destruction of Jerusalem by Vespasian  who John allegorically calls an 8th king  and a reincarnation of the fallen beast- Nero. 12 And the ten horns that you saw are ten kings who have not yet received royal power, but they are to receive authority as kings for one hour, together with the beast. 13 These are of one mind and give over their power and authority to the beast; 14 they will make war on the Lamb, and the Lamb will conquer them, for he is Lord of lords and King of kings, and those with him are called and chosen and faithful.” These 10 Kings seem to represent some type of temporary alliance with Rome. Conscripts, if you will. That they reign for an hour is a way of saying they are insignificant. and, here is the evidence of this.... 15 And he said to me: The waters which thou sawest, where the harlot sitteth, are peoples, and nations, and tongues. 16 And the ten horns which thou sawest in the beast: these shall hate the harlot, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and shall burn her with fire. 17 For God hath given into their hearts to do that which pleaseth him: that they give their kingdom to the beast, till the words of God be fulfilled. 18 And the woman which thou sawest, is the great city, which hath kingdom over the kings of the earth. In verse 16, we see that the Roman Beast turns on the whore and burns her with fire. This happens in 70 AD. I am often amused when zealous anti-catholics call the church both the beast and the whore as if the church could wage war on herself! The woman herself is identified as "The Great city"  and that great city  is identified in Revelation 11:8 as a spiritual Sodom and Egypt to go along with her derisive title of Babylon. The verse also clearly tells us that it is the city where Our lord was crucified, and we all know that that city was Jerusalem. By virtue of this one chapter, Jerusalem is proven to be the Harlot. We prove the case even more in Chapter 18 which will be our next episode.

  • Was Mary conceived without sin and is she the Mother of God?

    Perhaps it doesn't appear prudent to debate both of these issues at once, but I think their interconnectivity makes it practical. The short answers are ''yes'', Mary was conceived without sin and Mary is the Mother of God. That is what is inerrantly recorded in Scripture and what was infallibly and universally proclaimed by the early church. In fact, these realities were never even seriously questioned for the first 1600 or so years of Christianity. Protestant soteriology, for the most post, dismisses Mary as little more than a role player in the salvation drama. Not much different from you or I, average in every way, a sinner saved by grace, chosen almost at random to give birth to Jesus then to fade to the background. This heretical case is built by no more than a handful of scriptural verses taken out of context and their eisegesis is easily refuted. To buttress their case, many protestants- my opponent included- have resorted to erecting a caricature of a Catholic Mary that is an idol to be worshipped, a mediator between God and Man, competing with Jesus, an alternative Catholics go to instead of Jesus. I do not believe this is done, for the most part, out of any particular animus towards Mary but only because Mary, properly seen, is the ultimate threat to their false view of Jesus and how He saves us. They say it themselves in their sloganeering. Christ alone. That means no magisterium, no visible, authoritative church, no sacraments, no needed cooperation from humanity. Faith alone, in Christ alone. It is, of course, baloney alone and Mary is the proof of this. The challenge for me, in this debate, is to focus on the two specific contentions, dealing with the peripheral issues only as much as needed and setting them up for future debates. Let's get to it. Romans 5:10 tells us that we were enemies of God even as Christ died for us. The greek word is Ecthros 2190  echthros ecqron  2190 echthros {ech-thros'} from a primary echtho (to hate); hateful (passively, odious, or actively, hostile); TDNT - 2:811,285; adj 1) hated, odious, hateful 2) hostile, hating, and opposing another 2a) used of men as at enmity with God by their sin 2a1) opposing (God) in the mind 2a2) a man that is hostile 2a3) a certain enemy 2a4) the hostile one 2a5) the devil who is the most bitter enemy of the divine government It means literally that we were at enmity with God because of our sin. Well, in the very first Messianic prophecy recorded in Scripture in Genesis 3, a past tense of the same word is used in describing the relationship between the Mother of the Savior and the Devil. Her enmity is with the Devil, not with God. This is true whether you go to the Greek version, where the word Ecthra is used or the Hebrew, where the word is We -e- bah . This prophecy came to be known as the Protoevangelium or first gospel . The text is clear that the Messiah would come from the seed of a woman who would, from the start, be the enemy of the devil. It's not hard to discern that, if sin makes you the enemy of God, sinlessness makes you the enemy of the Devil. That certainly is the way the early church saw it. The Biblical case certainly doesn't stop there. In Luke 1, the Angel Gabriel greets Mary ''Hail, full of grace''. The greek words are Chaire , Kecharitomene. Kecharitomene starts with the base word Charis which can either mean favor or grace. However, when Charis is expanded to Charitoo, it denotes a perfected Grace. Kecharitomene further expands this to mean a fully completed and perfected Grace. In other words, Kecharitomene literally means that Mary was created in perfect Grace, lives in perfect Grace and will continue in perfect Grace. It leaves those who suggest that there is sin in Mary, even a speck of it, nowhere to go. The literal translation of Kecharitomene is ''endured from the beginning in perfected Grace''. This really ends the debate right here because no amount of protestant spin can change the clear meaning of the word. In fact, it wasn't until the KJV of 1611 that any Bible translated Kecharitomene as anything other than "Full of Grace". They literally changed the Word of God to support their heresy. So, from a straightforward exegetical standpoint, Mary's sinlessness is shown from Scripture. However, the strongest evidence comes from beneath the surface, from the treasure of typology and prophecy. That is where the evidence is so profound and overwhelming that mining it has led to many prominent protestants becoming Catholic. Doctor Scott Hahn is just one example. It starts with the Ark of the Covenant. It contained the Word of God. John's Gospel tells us that the Word of God is a person. It contained the Bread from Heaven. John's Gospel tells us that the Bread from Heaven is a person. It contained the staff of Aaron who was a Shepherd and the High Priest. The Gospels and the letter to the Hebrews tell us again that the Good Shepherd and the High Priest were that same person. That person that dwelt within the Ark was none other than Jesus Christ and that Ark was none other than Mary. John's Revelation tells us that in God's Temple in Heaven was seen the Ark of the Covenant, a Woman clothed with the Sun whose child was called up to God's throne, destined to rule all nations with a rod of iron. Once again, the Dragon's enmity with the Woman is made manifest as he wages war on the rest of Her children who are the true believers in God. These are not my conclusions. This is what the text clearly shows and what the church has proclaimed since it's infancy. You cannot honestly read Revelation 11:19-12:17 and come away not seeing Mary as the Ark of the Covenant, Assumed into heaven body and soul, Queen of Heaven and Mother of God. The text says quite clearly that her son.... her son was called up to the Throne of God. The enmity with the Devil that we talked about earlier, is also clearly shown. Seeing Mary as the Ark of the Covenant who plays a prominent role in the true Israel certainly opens up entire new worlds of understanding as opposed to seeing her as nothing more than a surrogate God used then quickly cast aside. Show me another example in Scripture where God gives someone such an important job then pushes them aside. Psalm 132 prophesizes that the Lord would rise up into heaven and take with Him the Ark of His Covenant. Some manuscripts even say the Ark of His Covenant that was made of incorruptible wood. This prophesizes both Jesus ascension and Mary's assumption. We see in Exodus 25 that the Ark of the Covenant was indeed made of incorruptible wood and adorned with the purest gold. The Same gold adorns the Queen who stands by the King's side in Psalm 45, a psalm obviously projecting Jesus. The same Queen we see in Revelation 12. In the Old Testament it was well known that the Mother of the King was the Queen Mother and Gabriel clearly tells Mary in Luke 1 that her son was to be the Davidic King. Why would God insist that the Ark of the Old Testament be incorruptible unless He was telling us this about the New Ark? Why would God demand the Old Ark be adorned with the purest gold unless it was a typology of the purity of the New Ark? Why would God tell us that the King would have a Queen Mother unless He wanted us to understand that this points to fulfilment in the King of Kings? The Old Ark had to be pure and holy because it held within it God. Uzzah was struck dead for even inadvertently touching it. You find it easy to accept that the Ark that spiritually contained God could not be just another box but you cannot see that the Ark that physically contained God could not be just another woman? Protestant inability to digest this stems from their lack of faith. It is a faith that forces you to understand that the entirety of Christianity consists in understanding that God was conceived in Mary, given birth to by Mary, raised by Joseph and Mary and died in front of Mary. It is not Mary's sinlessness you are struggling with, it is the full duality of Jesus humanity and Divinity. If the child Mary was the mother of isn't God, we are all in very deep trouble. Simple logic dictates that if Mary was to hold eternity within her, God would take at least as much care to prepare her as He did to prepare the Old Testament Ark. Scripture proves that He did just that. He made her incorruptible and He made her pure. Was He compelled to? Could He has preserved Jesus from the impurity of sin in some other way? Sure. However, Scripture provides no evidence that He did it another way. Scripture is clear that God preserved Mary from sin to make her that pure Ark that would hold the Messiah. Scripture also provides no support for the notion that the Jesus Mary gave birth to, was somehow different from the same Jesus who raised Lazarus from the dead and later. Himself. All of this is ultimately problematic to many non-Catholics because of their desperate need to hold onto a paradigm where Jesus does everything in the salvation equation and we do nothing. Mary is the biggest threat to that false ideology because anyone honestly reading Scripture can see that Mary's "Yes" was a vital part of God's salvation plan and God Himself reached us through this sinless and pure Ark.

  • Justice for Jozi debuts in Blogtalk radio top 10

    We continue to be proud of our partnership with Blessings are Miracles. Recently, we had founder Trish Knaff on for a 3rd time and lo and behold, it has resulted in a 3rd top 10 show for their group. The show is our 22nd top 10 show and the 25th to reach the front page in our 18 months. Only 1 other "Catholic" Blogtalkradio show (Catholic by name only) has reached the front page and top 10 during that time, doing so only once. Justice for Jozi is the movement created by Trish and her group to get justice for 2 year old Jozi Woodall who tragically died of abuse and neglect in the Missouri foster care system. A sickening but all-too-common reality today that neither one of our Presidential candidates is addressing. Please support this show and Trish's movement.

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