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The creepiness of Trump messiah syndrome in Catholic circles

This article represents the opinion of T4P founder John F Benko. These are his personal views.

Yesterday, Robert F Kennedy, Jr suspended his presidential campaign and endorsed Donald Trump. It is a noteworthy circumstance historically, to be sure.

The nephew of a former President and the son of a former presidential candidate. Both men were assassinated under very suspicious circumstances.

It is also no secret that both men were Catholics. When asked if prayers should be said for John F Kennedy, Padre Pio simply responded that he was already in paradise. Likewise, it is said that Robert, as he lay bleeding to death on the floor, had a hand in his pocket, praying his Rosary.

The two brothers are immortalized (along with Martin Luther King, Jr and Abraham Lincoln) in a song by Catholic singer Dion.

I was born about 10 months after the death of John Fitzgerald Kennedy and I bear his name.

That Robert F Kennedy, Jr, a democratic legacy would endorse Trump truly speaks volumes about how far the democratic party has fallen. That it is a seat of evil and it's nominee arguably the most radical in American history is a point I openly concede.

Where people lose me, in lionizing her opponent is in remembering that he sent her campaign checks in the past. He did the same for Harry (KKK) Byrd, Joe Biden, Hilary Clinton, Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi and countless other left wing democrats.

You can tell a lot about a man by the company he keeps and Donald Trump made billions by cheating the system and greasing the palms of the swamp rats he now rails against.

Earlier this year, though basically running against a corpse, Donald Trump stripped the pro-life plank from the Republican platform. His open embrace of the LBGTQ perversion platform is a matter of public record. His ghoulish worship of guns and the NRA also are something that should make Catholics sick.

Is Donald Trump a better candidate than Kamala Harris? Certainly, I would say so. But how high of a bar is that to clear? The fact is that Trump is an immoral, arrogant, narcissistic ego maniac who has a very unhealthy attachment to money, power and his own self aggrandizement. He is hardly someone who should be openly raised to would-be saint status in Catholic circles.

I'm not convinced at all that he should he have been the nominee as he is probably the only Republican capable of losing to Harris. There were also far better alternatives like Ron Desantis who is a devout Catholic, proven leader and a better executive than Trump.

In the end, I will vote for Trump because of- and only because of- the alternative but I look forward to moving past this ugly chapter in our history.


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