I was taken in- like so many others- by the aurora he projects- military hero, principled conservative, family man, catholic defender. Sadly, as with the case with all serial pedophiles, that persona is an illusion. Sooner or later, the authorities in place, the parents, the clergy and the regular folks pick up on the patterns of sick behavior.
The obsession
The refusal to respect reasonable boundaries.
The stalking
The constant defensiveness
The hyperbolic language portraying oneself as a victim almost as if the safety of the children doesn't matter.
Jesus said by your own words will you be justified and by your own words will you be condemned. Notice that Hartley displays the emblem of the Knights of Columbus though they are not even peripherally involved in this situation.
This is a common tactic of pedophiles and Hartley does it all the time. It is an attempt at conveying a message of innocence by association.
"I can't be guilty, I'm a Knight"
"I can't be guilty, I'm a Trump supporter"
In the end, the heroic actions of the parishioners, the clergy and the safe-environment officials have -once again- thwarted the evil intentions of a serial child stalker.
Read Hartley's own words, unedited and tell me if they do not make your skin crawl.
It brings me no joy to share this with you, but people need to understand the truth. This man is a child predator and even his family and very closest friends are now understanding that.

It makes me physically sick to know I was ever associated with this horrible human being who has now been banned from speaking at Catholic conferences and had his safe-environment credentials suspended for - once-again - stalking children. This time it was a group of 7th graders.
For those who thought my revulsion of Hartley was just a personal vendetta, I will accept your apology. You now know that this man is a criminal. His own diocese has shown it.