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Donald trump plays modern Benedict Arnold to pro-life Christians.

Donald Trump file photo

In a recent video podcast, Reverend Father Stephen Imbarrato threw down the gauntlet in describing the radical Florida Amendment 4 bill.

Pointing out that both Donald Trump and himself are Floridians, he described the bill as a litmus test of Trump's true position on abortion, despite his past feigning to the pro-life cause.

The bill calls for total and unfettered access to abortion all the way up to birth, with no restrictions.

Father stated that if Trump supports this bill, Trump loses his vote. Here is the bill

Yesterday, Lila Rose, who is perhaps the preeminent prolife voice today, broke the news on Twitter / X

Sadly, this was just the start of Trump's all out barrage on the Pro-life cause.

Lila Rose is the leading voice over at, Father Imbarrato can be found at and I- John Benko - am the founder and director of All 3 sites are voices for the unborn, Catholic teaching and Catholic values.

Sadly, some alleged "Catholic defenders" who Father Imbarrato described as "just not that bright" are nothing more than political idolators willing to (Again, Father Imbarrato) "throw the babies under the bus".

These sycophants would support Trump even if he committed mass murder on the Capitol steps.

Sadly for them- and for the country- Donald Trump is handing the election to Kamala Harris and recent polling shows it. Trump, who is now the most radically pro-abortion Republican nominee in history, is in danger of losing to a communist in states like North Carolina, Georgia, Nevada and Arizona.

Good job Trump worshippers. We could have had someone sane like Ron Desantis but you had to have the blow hard. Now, you will get Harris instead because millions of principled Catholics like Father Imbarrato and myself will stay home rather than vote for a baby killing maniac.

At The 4 Persons, you won't find any butt-kissing Trump sycophants who are nothing more than modern day Judases.

"God saves Trump's life and Trump thanks Him by refusing to protect the innocent babies"
~ Father Stephen Imbarrato.

Pray for Trump that God doesn't call him to judgement in the midst of his wickedness and pray for the Trump butt kissers that they wake the heck up before they find themselves in hell.


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