It's been a great past week for the Catholic champions of Blogtalkradio- the 4 Persons. T4P has had over 2,000 hits in the past 7 days while the pitiful, pathetic Donald Hartley Shallow Liar show has had about 5% of that.
Unlike The Shallow Liar show, The 4 Persons continues to maintain one of the most popular tags. We also have moved up to #2 in the Christian rankings while The Shallow Liar show remains bogged down in 18th place.
T4P is getting the highest traffic it has ever gotten, far more than the Shallow Liar show has received at any point in it's 15+ years. We continue to soar; they continue to plummet.
In fact, everyone has pretty much abandoned Hartley because you can take one look at the way he dresses and see that he is mentally unstable.
