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The Truth Is Prevailing by Richard Pettys

A lot of you know that Donald Hartley tried to lure me way from The 4 Persons for Deeper Truth. Out of loyalty to my friends here at T4P, John Benko, Ken Litchfield, William Hemsworth, Terry Delp, Cherry Mallorce, Chantal Reigns, Luis Ogando, Lisa Marie Nicole and others, I chose to stay put. And boy, am I glad I did!

As Grand Knight of a KofC council, I must be very careful of whom I am associated with because I have to go through Safe Environment training every 3 years. It appears that, in a battle that I have been aware of for nearly a year - since last Easter - Donald Hartley has had his Safe Environment Certification pulled and can not participate as a speaker at any conferences until the issues are resolved

Hartley's latest message displays the Knights of Columbus logo.  The Knights of Columbus  has nothing to do with this situation.  Is this an example of his constant attempts to portray himself as a solid citizen? Enquiring minds want to know.
Hartley's latest message displays the Knights of Columbus logo. The Knights of Columbus has nothing to do with this situation. Is this an example of his constant attempts to portray himself as a solid citizen? Enquiring minds want to know.

The Safe Environment providers are not so bored that they go looking for problems or create problerms. They investigate problems that are brought to their attention. And they receive a multitude of referrals brought to their attention every year.

Friends, they do not revoke your Safe Environment accreditation for the heck of it. And they do not revoke your credentials based on mere accusations. The accusations must be credible and there must be some modicum of evidence to support the allegations, such as pictures which have heard there are. While the burden of proof falls far short of the criminal standard of guilt beyond a reasonable doubt, this is a civil matter and there appears to be a strong preponderance of the evidence against him. I can not and will not say that he is guilty of pedophilia, but he is certainly circling the wagons like there is something there. An innocent man does not plead his case in the court of public opinion as he is doing. But a guilty man does. My dad always said, "if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, then it must be a duck." Likewise, where there is smoke, there is fire.

While I won't call Donald Hartley a pedophile, it is certainly starting to look that way. With that in mind, I am very happy that I did not leave The 4 Persons.

I am very proud to stand shoulder to shoulder with John Benko. I am pleased that I made the choice to support and stand with John. John did not deserve to be villified in the manner in which Donald Hartley did so. And John never had a vendetta against Donald. It was never personal with John. Well, Donald's attacks against John were personal, and we are starting to see the why's and the wherefore's as the facade around Donald Hartley starts to crack and lose form. Even those closest to him are starting to see it, hence why he included that montage praising Dr. Gregory Thompson on his previous message in an effort to present him as a supporter.

Donald, the walls are starting to close in around you and I think the door just locked from the outside.

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